10 Things to Do Before Baby Comes

Kristin Gunner


woman in a dress standing beside a brown wooden crib - doula charlotte nc
woman in a dress standing beside a brown wooden crib - doula charlotte nc

Getting ready for your baby is about more than just picking cute onesies. At times, it can even feel overwhelming. There's just so much to do.

But with just a little planning, and maybe some help, you can handle it all like a pro! To help you get started, here is a list of ten things to do before your baby arrives.

1. Get all the baby gear ready

Make sure you have things like a crib, baby monitors, and cameras set up and ready before the baby’s arrival. It would also help to set up a changing station stocked with diapers, wipes, and cream so you can easily access everything you need.

Ensure the baby’s car seat is installed correctly. To make this easier, you can typically have someone at your local police or fire station check this for you.

(Click here for a great list of baby gear if you need a little extra help.)

Here are just a few stores to check out around Charlotte, NC:*

Shower Me With Love

Cozy Kids Furniture and More

Stork Exchange

2. Babyproof your home

You might think it’s too soon to worry about your baby touching outlets or tripping over rugs, but you won’t regret babyproofing early on. This includes things like:

  • Cover outlets and hide cords

  • Make sure toxic products are put up high (cleaners, medications, etc.)

  • Check the batteries in your smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.

  • Cover up sharp edges on furniture

You can find many babyproofing checklists online, like this one from WhatToExpect.com!

3. Shop for groceries/meal prep

Make sure your cabinets/fridge are stocked so you don’t have to worry about shopping with a newborn. It helps to have some foods that are easy to grab and go, especially with other kids in the house.

It can save you a ton of time and energy later on if you prepare meals and freeze them. You won’t regret it when all you have to do later is pull a meal out of the freezer and put it in the oven.

Having everything stocked also makes it easy if someone is coming to your house to help with the cooking since they’ll already have everything they need.

4. Find your support system

This can include:

  • Whoever you want with you during labor

  • Someone to handle child/pet care while you’re in labor

  • Someone to help prepare meals and/or clean after the baby is born

  • Certain family members or friends who can come over on certain days to lend a hand

  • A labor and/or postpartum doula for support during pregnancy and postpartum

  • Someone you trust who you can talk to. Even after you have your baby, you can still struggle with your emotions for a while. It’s perfectly normal, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

5. Stock up on supplies

You’ll want to stock up on plenty of baby supplies and household items to save time later.

Some items include:

  • diapers, wipes, and formula (if formula feeding)

  • toilet paper and paper towels

  • shampoo, soap, and lotion

  • pet food

  • detergent

  • cleaning products

  • medication

6. Take a Childbirth Class

A childbirth class can be extremely beneficial for any parent, but especially if you’re pregnant with your first child. You’ll learn all about your pregnancy, labor, comfort techniques, and a lot more! And you might make new friends! A doula can even help you find a class if necessary.

7. Decide on childcare

If you have other children, who will watch them while you’re in labor? It might help to talk to this person and come up with a plan so they can be ready whenever labor starts. Think about if you’ll need a babysitter or if they’ll go to daycare after the baby is born.

If they’ll continue to stay at home with you, is there someone who can help out for a while? Even for school-aged children, who will take them to school and pick them up? Is there a friend or family who can help with this?

It also isn’t too early to think about these things for your new baby. Preschools often have long waitlists, so you’ll want to start looking early!

8. Choose a pediatrician

Take your time choosing the right pediatrician for your family. Read reviews and ask friends and family for recommendations. Then contact the pediatrician to make sure they’re taking on new patients. If you meet them and don’t feel like they’re a good fit for your family, don’t be afraid to look for someone else. Having a pediatrician you can trust is so important.

9. Make a birth plan

A birth plan puts you in control of your labor and delivery. You’ll decide on things like pain relief options, cord cutting, and your environment. Your doctor/midwife will get a copy of your birth plan so they know all your preferences. A doula can be a great help when making a birth plan.

10. Take time to relax

Go on dates with your partner. Spend time with other children. Pamper yourself. Go on a babymoon. Do whatever makes you relaxed and happy!

*I am not affiliated with any of these stores I've listed in this article, and I don't receive money if you shop there. These are just suggestions.



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logo of a sun with the words new day doula support